The Batman Director Matt Reeves Discussed How He Would Introduce Superman Into The Bat-Verse

The Batman is the new reboot of Matt Reeves for the Batman franchise. Featuring Robert Pattinson as the new Bat Vigilante, Reeves revealed in recent reports that he wants to feature more grounded and realistic materials for the new reboot.

We all wonder if another DC superhero exists in Reeves' Batman universe and while talking to Collider, the director addressed speculations if Superman can make an appearance in the future sequels of the Batman film.

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Reeves explained, “It's a high wire act to do a Batman movie, right? Because the character's been around for 80 years, everyone has their own version in their head and there have been great movies. The last thing I wanted to do was come in there and feel like I had to do something with the highest degree of difficulty and then also find the ways that it connects to everything else. My thing was, from the beginning, I said, "Look, I think it's enough to try and just do a bat verse, to do a Batman movie," We can safely guess that maybe somewhere down the line, or in the future franchise featuring the Batverse, Superman could make an appearance. But Reeves' focus is mainly on the characters of Gotham City. "There are a lot of great characters in the Gotham world and so the idea of leaning into that, that's really my interest right now.” Reeves added.

When asked directly if Superman exists in Batman's world, Reeves replied, "You mean if it could? Is that what you're saying? I mean, if something like that did happen, because I was very careful about ... To me, what I try to do is take ... I did this in the Apes films too, and even Cloverfield, this idea of taking the one fantastical element and then have everything around it, so it'll be as grounded as possible, so that it could feel ... I want it to feel emotionally real and to make everything feel very believable. In this movie, even further I think than what I did in those films, I tried to find the practical, believable version. If suddenly in the Batman world, you discovered that there was an alien that was Superman, there'd be a lot of shock. I mean, people would have to say, oh my God, and maybe that would be the one fantastical element.

"But to be honest with you, that is not the intention at this point, to figure out how to make that come. Look, we should be so lucky that this is a world that people embrace and that they say, oh my God, we want to see what would happen when those things collide. I think if that challenge ever presents itself, it would be an exciting one to explore, but I'd have to try and do it through this lens. You know what I mean? And that is absolutely right, that at the moment, to me, this world is the place that I want to focus.”

In Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy, Nolan focused mainly on the storyline of Bruce Wayne's Batman and he didn't feature any other characters from the DC Universe. While Reeves seems to aim for the same strategy and craft a Batverse solely focusing on characters from Gotham City, looks like Superman won't be making an appearance in future projects.

Reeves already confirmed that two spinoffs are already in development for Colin Farell's The Penguin villain and another spinoff focusing on the Gotham PD.

The Batman will premiere in theaters on March 4.

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