The Avengers Take On The Phoenix Force This December

Does anyone remember Avengers vs X-Men? The event that pitted Marvel's most popular groups against each other and made fans choose who they were siding with before they introduced The Phoenix Five as the series' clear-cut villains? Well, it looks like Marvel might be heading towards that well again since the company released a teaser that might pit The Avengers against The Phoenix Force.

Interestingly enough, this doesn't appear to be a big cross-over like Avengers vs X-Men. The teaser indicates that this is going to be another Avengers arc in the current run of Jason Aaron, with Ed McGuiness and Javier Garron providing art for the storyline.

The teaser below merely says "Exit the Age of Konshu and Enter the Phoenix." That's clearly an indication this will just be an arc of Avengers, especially since their logo can be seen below. It's also worth noting that none of the current X-Men are seemingly in possession of The Phoenix, though that could always change.

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Credit: Marvel Comics

While most of us have assumed that the X-Men will get themselves involved with the event due to The Phoenix Force, it is worth noting that writer Jason Aaron has used the Phoenix Force without them before. The original host was part of Odin's prehistoric Avengers and even made love to Thor's father, which is a visual image no one wanted.

Expect the Avengers to face The Phoenix sometime this December.

Via Newsarama

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