Game of Thrones Season 8 has been divisive to say the least. More than one million fans signed a petition to remake the final season of the HBO series. While it doesn't look like something will come out of it, a fan did her best to come close.
A Redditor with username AstroTrains has created an ad to promote the brilliant work of a friend named Alice Shipwise, who has been writing her own version of the final season.
The post immediately blew up, which prompted the Redditor to provide an update and tell readers a bit more about Shipwise, who was revealed to be a full-time writer hoping to make a name for herself in the industry. She has a medieval fantasy project in the works called Beastling, but has devoted a lot of time to this Game of Thrones script.
Shipwise posts her scripts on her website, where she described the project "complete, independently-envisioned Season 8 of Game of Thrones written with love." The writer started the project shortly after the conclusion of the seventh season "out of love and enthusiasm for the show."
She has been posting her scripts since May of last year complete with a discussion thread on a Reddit group called shipwisescripts, but it is only this time that they received bigger attention following the backlash the final season of the series has received. Nine episode scripts out of the 11 she planned are already available to read for free.
Shipwise's take has been received generally positive. A lot of the readers are especially thrilled by the portrayal of Tyrion in her script since they felt that the character was not at all like himself in Game of Thrones Season 8.
Shipwise is working on the tenth episode, but hasn't revealed when it will drop.