Last month, Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi was reportedly approached by Lucasfilm to develop a Star Wars movie. However, the outlet claims it isn't clear as to where things stand yet. Shortly after those reports got around, the director shared a photo on his Twitter account of Fleetwood Mac's Rumors album, seemingly indicating that these are just hearsays. For now, it isn't clear whether Waititi would actually be helming a movie from the galaxy far, far away, and it looks like he's playing coy about it too.
"Listen, what does ‘approached' even mean?" Waititi told Entertainment Tonight. He says he has seen Star Wars, but "that's about as far as it got."
Prior to the reports about Waititi being approached by the studio, he was asked by Variety on whether or not he'll ever make a Star Wars feature one day. "Oh, I don't know anything about that," he said. "But Mandalorian was my chance to work with some stormtroopers." He "obviously would" direct one if he wanted to, but he said he'll "just settle" for IG-11 being "the hero" of The Mandalorian's first season.
While it would be cool for Waititi to work on a Star Wars movie, Disney CEO Bob Iger recently revealed that the priority for the franchise in the next few years is television and that the Star Warsmovie hiatus is officially in place. That being said, there are 3 projects slated for release on 2022, 2024, 2026.
It isn't clear whether Waititi is just downplaying the rumors or is actually adamant about not making a feature for the franchise yet. Regardless if it's true or not, given his successful directorial debut in The Mandalorian, fans would certainly look forward to his take on a Star Wars movie.
Would you like Waititi to helm a Star Wars film in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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