Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Greninja Can Turn Into Ash Greninja

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is set to be the biggest game in the franchise since it will have pretty much every character from previous Smash titles. While fans are excited to see some new fighters join the roster, there are a number of small, subtle changes to existing characters who appeared in previous games. One of those changes is affecting Greninja, the fan-favorite standout from Pokemon X and Y who will be turning to his special Ash form in Smash.

In the official Smash blog, it was confirmed that Ash Greninja would be in the game but won't be completely playable. Turns out that Greninja will turn into Ash Greninja when it uses it Final Smash, which is a decent enough compromise that won't overpower the Pokemon. While some fans are probably sad that we won't be able to use this form, seeing it do cool stuff is far from a bad thing.

Minor changes like this aren't new to Smash Ultimate. Mega Man's Final Smash, which has him use a Charged Shot with other versions of himself, now adds Proto Man and Bass, even though the latter is his enemy. Admittedly, it would have been nice to see Proto Man as an Echo Fighter like other characters but this is the next best thing.

With plenty more updates to come, it will be interesting to see which other characters get neat little changes like this. Though not groundbreaking material, seeing fan service moments like this shows that Nintendo really cares about making each of their games feel special.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate comes to Nintendo Switch this December.

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