Toei Animation
The Universe 3 arc of the Super Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game will be introducing a silly new character: Detective Vegeta!
Yep, you heard that right. The Prince of Saiyans is getting a Sherlock Holmes makeover in the popular arcade game, and the official YouTube channel has released a teaser to highlight the new character, and it looks like he's just as powerful as his non-detective counterpart. Watch it below:
According to the trailer translations, the full title reads, "DetectiveVegeta!? The Case of Missing Limited Edition Ice Cream!". It's still unclear how the new character will fit into the game's storyline. This would remind anime fans of Detective Pikachu even though many fans would think that it's out-of-character for Vegeta to become a detective. What is he trying to solve? The mystery of the Saiyan race?
Fans shared their reactions on Twitter, and they're not that bad.
Do you think Detective Vegeta is a cool or silly idea? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Read more: Dragon Ball Super Name-Drops Legendary Super Saiyan