Suicide Squad Star Says Ayer Cut Gave GQ Edwards 'A Lot More Love'

There is little doubt that people are still holding on to hope that David Ayer's director's cut of Suicide Squad will eventually see the light of day. So what exactly can we expect to see when the Ayer Cut is finally released? Scott Eastwood is hyping up the filmmaker's version of the 2016 film and says that his character GQ Edwards will get "a lot more love" this time!

In Suicide Squad, Scott Eastwood plays the minor character GQ Edwards who helps Rick Flag "babysit" Task Force X. Although he only had a small role in the theatrical cut, Eastwood says that David Ayer had bigger plans for his character in the director's cut.

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Eastwood happily spoke to Insider about his first meeting with David Ayer, who had the perfect pitch to make him accept the role.

"He basically was like, 'Come on this journey with me. I'm going to make you look like a badass. I'm going to make your character pop," Eastwood told said. "I didn't even know what the character was at the time."

Although Eastwood knew nothing about his character at the time, he did take the role and now he believes GQ will have a bigger part to play in the Ayer Cut.

"I have talked to David, and I know my character got a lot more love in the Ayer Cut," Eastwood said.

This is awesome news considering that most of the characters didn't get enough screentime in the Suicide Squad theatrical cut. We'd love to see more of GQ and the other heroes (and villains) in the Ayer Cut soon.

For now, it has not yet been confirmed whether Warner Bros. will release the Suicide Squad Ayer Cut. Nevertheless, Ayer continues to tease the film's possible release by sharing awesome images from the movie. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.

Related: Suicide Squad: Scott Eastwood Turned Down Sequel Offers Because WB Won't Pay Him