Stranger Things’ David Harbour Opens Up About Joining The MCU

Stranger Things star David Harbour's been pretty busy. Not only did the actor recently star as the Unwilling Harbinger of the Apocalypse in Millennium's Hellboy reboot, but news came out this year that the Stranger Things star had been cast in Marvel's Black Widow standalone movie.

Speaking in an interview with, Harbour talks about his upcoming film and praises Black Widow director Cate Shortland. Not only does the actor gush over the filmmaker's independent movies, he also notes how Shortland pays attention to the film's story and characters.

"This woman, Cate Shortland, who is directing this movie is one of the best directors I've ever worked with. She's so, so smart, and makes such beautiful indie movies," Harbour told the publication, "The fact that you'd put someone like that at the helm of one of these huge action movies — and she pays such attention to the story and such attention to character speaks volumes."

According to Harbour, this style is very similar to what the Duffer brothers do for the hit ode-to-the-80's science fiction horror series, Stranger Things. In the show, we get complicated characters in complicated relationships being thrown in complicated settings.

"...and then whenever your characters or your stories get a little boring, a monster shows up. Or in the Marvel movies, you have a huge action fight sequence," the actor explains, "But in that way, you're not sacrificing either thing, and I think that's extraordinary. It's this really hard thing to do, as I think people have discovered. It's a really hard thing to capture, audiences and the market is extremely difficult to break into certainly, as I think we saw with Hellboy in a certain sense."

Based on Harbour's comments, it seems like Black Widow is going to be a careful exploration of Natasha's (Scarlett Johansson) – something the Avenger deserves. Black Widow might be one of the original six Avengers, but the agent was never afforded her own standalone movie until now.

Stranger Things season 3 is set to premiere on Netflix on July 4. Black Widow doesn't have an official release date yet but we'll update everyone as soon as we get word.

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