After the series finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, a new animated show titled The Bad Batch was announced. The series will follow the team of clone troopers as they take on mercenary missions and it's likely that there are some familiar faces to be featured along the way, potentially including that of Captain Rex.
Brent Friedman, writer of the original Bad Batch arc in The Clone Wars, seemingly teased that Rex could make an appearance in the upcoming show. He was asked by a fan on Twitter as to whether or not The Bad Batch could explore a conversation between Rex and Echo from The Clone Wars that wasn't explained. "Seems like a reasonable assumption," he wrote, sparking hope for those who have been curious about the conversation between the two characters. You can check out the tweet below!
Aside from Dave Filoni, the writing team for The Bad Batch has yet to be announced. However, Friedman will likely have some input considering he's the writer of the original Bad Batch arc.
There's no doubt that Rex's storyline is tied with Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, Wrecker, and Echo. That said, the group was separated in the ending of The Clone Wars, so it remains to be seen how the show will integrate Rex into the story. Though there are some gaps in Captain Rex's life that could be addressed in the upcoming show which could possibly tie things together.
Are you excited for Star Wars: The Bad Batch? What are you looking forward to the most? Tell us in the comments below!
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