The term Jedi popularized by the Star Wars franchise has always had a positive connotation amongst fans of the science-fiction epic and since the inception of the Star Wars universe back in 1977, the term has been associated with the forces of good. However, popular science magazine Scientific American begs to differ and according to one article they published just recently, the "Jedi" label is quite problematic and an "inappropriate symbol for justice work."
Last week, Scientific American published a piece titled "Why the Term ‘JEDI' Is Problematic for Describing Programs That Promote Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion". In the said article, the magazine suggests that the term Jedi which is used to reference "justice, equity, diversity and inclusion" initiatives, actually has a bad connotation to it.
One part of the article reads: "Put simply, the baggage of Jedi and Star Wars is too heavy to burden our justice-oriented initiatives with and may actually undermine these efforts." It even suggested that the term which aims to promote inclusion might make some people feel "excluded".
It reads: "While an overarching goal of JEDI initiatives is to promote inclusion, the term JEDI might make people feel excluded. Star Wars is popular but divisive. Identifying our initiatives with it may nudge them closer to the realm of fandom, manufacturing in-groups and out-groups." Unsurprisingly, the magazine drew flak and faced mockery from fans on social media who found the argument outrageous.
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The entire argument Scientific American is trying to raise is utterly ridiculous and quite frankly, it shouldn't be a topic of discussion. It's funny to me how some people are obviously trying too hard to impose woke culture these days but news flash, it's never going to work on Star Wars.
Meanwhile, you can get your Star Wars fix over at Disney+.