Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's Daisy Ridley on Why She Doesn't Take Selfies With Fans

I don't think it's hyperbole to say that Star Wars has launched Daisy Ridley into superstardom, with her character Rey quickly becoming a fan-favorite since The Force Awakens, though some people will refer to her as a degrading "Mary Sue." Ridley's time with the franchise is coming to an end with The Rise of Skywalker so it would be easy to assume that any fan who gets to see her will want a picture or two while Star Wars is still big.

Well, Ridley reveals that she doesn't like taking selfies with fans but it's not for a vain or mean reason; the actress is still getting used to fame and doesn't like people posting her locations online when she just wants to chill or have fun. She revealed this information to the British website The Times and it's a perfectly understandable reason to not want selfies with fans, though she does make an exception for children.

"I'm not a big photo taker, and I don't want everyone to immediately know where I am. I know people share [their selfies] immediately, so I'm very aware of privacy in that way."

Some fans might wrongly call her snobby but if you want to take pictures with her, that's what photo sessions are for. Ridley has the right to privacy like everyone else and shouldn't be shamed for not wanting to partake in petty things like selfies. Grow up, people.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker comes out later this month on December 20.

Read:Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Leak Might Ruin The Original Trilogy