Star Wars: The Force Awakens was dedicated to Harrison Ford and Han Solo. Star Wars: The Last Jedi was dedicated to Mark Hamill and Luke Skywalker. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was meant for Carrie Fisher and for Leia, however, the Star Wars legend passed away before she could complete filming her scenes for the film. Now, Lucasfilm is making use of unused footage from the last two sequel trilogy entries to keep Leia in The Rise of Skywalker's narrative.
Speaking in an interview with Vanity Fair for the "Ultimate Preview" of the film, The Rise of Skywalker director J.J. Abrams opens up about the role that Leia plays in the final sequel trilogy installment.
"It's hard to even talk about it without sounding like I'm being some kind of cosmic spiritual goofball," Abrams explained, "but it felt like we suddenly had found the impossible answer to the impossible question."
According to Vanity Fair, Abrams wrote scenes around unused footage of Fisher from The Force Awakens, creating "Leia's dialogue into new contexts," and reworking the film's "lighting to match the way Fisher had been lit."
Slowly, Leia had managed to find her place in the new movie thanks to the careful and deliberate work of Abrams.
"It was a bizarre kind of left side/right side of the brain sort of Venn diagram thing, of figuring out how to create the puzzle based on the pieces we had," Abrams explained.
There's definitely going to be a lot of crying when fans get to see The Rise of Skywalker later this year. Sure, Fisher may have passed away about three years ago, but Star Wars fans still miss the Star Wars legend and her wit and her kindness every day.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premieres December 20, 2019.
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