Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker served as the final installment of the Skywalker saga. With a fast-moving plot, various characters, and stories to wrap up, it's no secret that some elements planned early ended up getting cut; including a longstanding Star Wars tradition.
As fans may already know, cantinas are a meeting place prominently featured in the Star Wars universe, with the most iconic one from A New Hopes' Mos Eisley Cantina. The band was made up of alien creatures that play cool, futuristic instruments. A similar band was supposedly set to be featured in The Rise of Skywalker. Taking to Instagram, concept artist Adam Brockbank shared an image of the new cantina band on Kijimi.
"Every cantina needs a band. This is what I had in mind for Kajimi," the artist wrote. The piece shows three musicians with golden helmets. They are sporting long, black robes along with partially red and gold sleeves, each with their own distinct instrument. You can check it out below!
Unfortunately, this cantina band didn't make it into the final cut. The Rise of Skywalker had a lot of ground to cover, so it is no surprise that some early ideas never came to fruition. Focused on the characters of the sequel trilogy, its narrative, and making the movie feel like a full-circle moment with iconic scenes and characters, there wasn't a lot of time for background characters and other details to be featured within the movie.
The entire Skywalker Saga is available to watch on Disney+.
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