Star Wars: The Mandalorian's New Favorite Hero is Connected to Clone Wars Character

Anyone who tuned in to the third episode of The Mandalorian probably has a new favorite character on the show. No, we're not talking about Baby Yoda. The new character is Mando's clansman who wielded the enormous Gatling-gun-type weapon in the battle against the bounty hunters, and he's somehow connected to a character from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

The new character is referred to as the Heavy Infantry Mandalorian for obvious reasons but his real name has been revealed to be Paz Vizsla. If that sounds familiar, it's because there is a Mandalorian introduced in The Clone Wars who was known as Pre Vizsla.

But wait, the plot thickens. It has also been confirmed that Paz was voiced by Mandalorian creator Jon Favreau, who also happens to be the voice behind Pre.

So does this mean that we're looking at the exact same character that appeared in Clone Wars? We're not sure for now but there is a huge possibility that they could be related. Interestingly, this could mean that the titular character himself also has ties to the Mandalorians who have appeared in the animated series. Hopefully, we'll get to learn more about these characters in the future.

Oh, and if you can't get enough of Paz, he now has his own Black Series action figure. The new toy has been revealed and it could mean that Disney will be unveiling some official Baby Yoda merchandise soon as well.

The Mandalorian's third episode is titled Chapter 3: The Sin and is currently streaming on Disney+.

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