The Mandalorian, Disney's first live-action Star Wars series, finally has a release date and a fancy new poster to boot. We have all been waiting for more information on this series since Disney and LucasFilm have been keeping details close to the chest when it comes to any of their Star Wars projects. With a trailer expected to hit D23 and more information likely to come, Disney has the fans in the palm of their hands.
Fans will be able to view The Mandalorian on Disney+ in November 12, which is also the streaming service's release date. That means it's a simultaneous release so fans that get Disney+ will immediately get this live-action Star Wars series when they sign up for it. Yeah, very good news for fans of this incredibly popular franchise.
It's easy to see why fans are excited for this series since it's set after Return of the Jedi and just before The Force Awakens. This era of Star Wars isn't always explored, aside from the comics and tie-in novels, so it should be exciting to see in live-action. Any teases for The First Order would also be great, though we're not expecting to see that right away.
As a casual Star Wars fan, this series does have some exciting elements, like the amount of talented directors working on these episodes. Hopefully, this can also be an accessible piece of entertainment for those who are not hardcore Star Wars enthusiasts.
The Mandalorian is coming out on November 12, the same date Disney+ releases.
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