Matthew "Matt" Lanter, star of the beloved animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars was rushed to a medical facility and underwent emergency surgery after being diagnosed with a closed-loop intestinal obstruction that could've been life-threatening if untreated. Lanter's wife Angela took to the actor's official Instagram page to give fans an update about his current condition. According to her, Matt was experiencing intense abdominal pain on March 22 and had to be taken to the hospital where he was later admitted.
Angela added that the Anakin Skywalker voice actor experienced "setbacks" following the operation but is now recuperating. She also said they still have "an uphill battle and will continue to be in the hospital for a while longer" and thanked the fans for their support. After revealing the serious health scare, Matt was showered with love and appreciation from the Star Wars fandom as well as his co-stars.
Ahsoka Tano voice actress Ashley Eckstein also took to Instagram to extend her well wishes for her co-star and Jedi mentor. The official Star Wars page also left a heartfelt comment on Lanter's post and said: "The galaxy is with you, Matt".
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In other news, Star Wars is set to revisit the storied rivalry between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in the upcoming Obi-Wan spinoff series set for release on May 25th. Dubbed the most-anticipated rematch in history, everyone is excited to see if their newest encounter will top their iconic Revenge of the Sith duel.
Meanwhile, all seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars are available for streaming exclusively on Disney+.