Star Wars: The Clone Wars Trailer Confirms Overlap with Timeline of Revenge of the Sith

We all know that The Clone Wars ends with The Revenge of the Sith, and with the final season of The Clone Wars set to come out this February, the new trailer kind of hints at the timelines of both the show and the movie overlapping.

As some fans have pointed out on Twitter, there is a scene in the trailer which looks to be the same scene from the movie, but from a different angle. Check it out:

Windu and Yoda end up saying the same lines, plus they are also wearing the same garb. Here's the scene from the film:

If both scenes come from the same interaction, then I guess it's safe to assume that the show and the film will be overlapping at some point in the timeline. I guess it would make sense since the war basically ends with Anakin murdering what's left of the Trade Federation—and that happens in the latter half of Revenge of the Sith. It would make sense for The Clone Wars to really cover the war from beginning to end. Plus, the show could give us a look at what happens to the rest of the characters at the time of the Jedi Purge—especially when it comes to Ahsoka and Maul.

Then again, this is just speculation based on two clips from the trailer. Until the show officially comes out, all we can really do is guess.

Catch the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars when it premieres on Disney+ on Feb. 21.

Read Also: Is that Young Kanan Jarrus in the New Clone Wars Trailer?