Star Wars: The Clone Wars Teases Ahsoka vs Darth Maul With The Phantom Apprentice First Look

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is gearing up for its final few episodes and though they've all been good thus far, The Phantom Apprentice is one many viewers have been waiting for. This is the episode that will have Ahsoka Tano going one-on-one with Darth Maul and it's going to be a hard battle, as this first look shows. The Clone Wars has done a fabulous job with building up these two characters and their showdown should be the stuff of legends.

In this first look of The Phantom Apprentice, a number of clones were defeated by Maul and one of them warns Ahsoka that Maul took Jessie alive. Maul going through a number of clones isn't too surprising but seeing them warn Ahsoka while being scared is something else. The fact that Maul himself doesn't appear in this preview is disappointing but having them tease the fight is almost as effective.

We can't believe that there are only a couple of episodes left of The Clone Wars but it's something everyone has been prepared for. From the beginning, this season was advertised as the final one and Rebels was the proper follow-up, albeit one that didn't impress the fanbase as much. It was definitely aimed more at kids, while The Clone Wars is closer to all-ages, maybe even PG-13.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars streams every week on Disney+. The Phantom Apprentice debuts later this week.

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