Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett Reportedly Set for Multiple Seasons

The Book of Boba Fett is understandably one of the most highly anticipated shows this year. After all, the upcoming Star Wars series will focus on the beloved bounty hunter and his new companion Fennec Shand. But is it possible that the new show will be more than just a limited series? New evidence could confirm that the Mandalorian spin-off will be getting multiple seasons.

Back in December, it was confirmed that The Book of Boba Fett will premiere in late 2021, which means that The Mandalorian Season 3 will be moved back to next year. Not surprisingly, this also led to speculations that the new show led by Temeura Morrison will be a limited series that should give Boba a proper send-off.

But is The Book of Boba Fett actually going to last for several seasons? The Boba Fett Fan Club has found some stickers from the series that could confirm that this year's season is just the first. Check it out below.

The stickers feature the show's working title Buccaneer and a cool sticker for the camera department. Interestingly, the third one for the ad department proudly features the words Season 1 (you can also see the same for the Buccaneer sticker).

We're loving the idea of The Book of Boba Fett lasting for more than just one season. After all, there's still so much that we want to learn about the bounty hunter. However, it is important to point out that the series has not yet been confirmed for a second season. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.

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