Disney+ released a new poster for the upcoming Star Wars: The Bad Batch. The new project is a spin-off of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The series will follow some experimental and elite clones of the Bad Batch which was first introduced with the Clone Wars series.
The Bad Batch is also well-known as Clone Force 99. They are trying to find their way in a galaxy that is experiencing many changes as a result of the Clone War. The Bad Batch members are a unique squad of clones. They have some genetic variations from those who are in the Clone Army.
The Bad Batch squad consists of four clone troopers who are designed with genetic mutations. The characters that are included in The Bad Batch are Tech, Wrecker, Echo, Crosshair, and Hunter.
Each of the members possesses a singular exceptional skill that makes them very effective and formidable. As they face the post-Clone War era, they have to take on daring mercenary missions, struggling to stay afloat and finding their purpose.
The Empire wants to wipe out the Clone Force 99, which led to them finding themselves on the run, hoping to embark on a massive adventure across the galaxy. Star Wars: The Bad Batch will be debuting on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. It will include a special 70-minute premiere, which follows new episodes every Friday, beginning on May 7th.
Dave Filoni will produce the series, Brad Rau, Athena Portillo, Jennifer Corbett, Carrie Beck, and Josh Rimes.
Related: Star Wars: The Bad Batch Trailer Confirms Clone Wars Characters and New Recruit