Star Wars: The Strongest Sith, Ranked

Star Wars Strongest Sith
Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm

Star Wars Strongest Sith
Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm

Star Wars' canon doesn't feature tons of Sith but those we see are terrifying! Here are some of Star Wars' strongest Sith, ranked:

Please note: this list focuses on the Sith we meet in Star Wars media still considered canon. The extended Star Wars Legends feature many more.

Moreover, forthcoming Star Wars media are reportedly bringing more Sith to fight against, so stay tuned.

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  1. Savage Oppress

    Savage Oppress is Darth Maul's brother and he studied under him. As his name indicates he's brutal in battle.

    He has been able to disarm or overpower formidable opponents, including Obi-Wan and Count Dooku.

    Unfortunately, the rule of two means that he's rather short lived.

  2. Asajj Ventress

    The rule of two prevents Asajj Ventress from boasting a Sith title but she wants to be seen as a Sith, and, since so few of them are canon, we will give her this opportunity here.

    After all, she's spent time as the acolyte of Count Dooku, who is also in this list.

    Her lightsaber style, which she acquired after the death of her master, is quite unique.

    Plus, her skills in hand-to-hand combat shouldn't be overlooked!

  3. Darth Maul

    Darth Maul isn't the strongest of Sidious apprentices, but his fighting skills are really impressive.

    Maul's double lightsaber makes for some of the most satisfying battles.

    He's so strong in the Force that he was able to survive being cut in half and even continue his acrobatics.

    That being said, Maul has shown signs of failing to learn from past mistakes. His fight against Obi-Wan in Rebels proves that.

  4. Darth Bane

    Darth Bane has very little screen time in the Star Wars canon; he only ever appears as an appartion in Clone Wars but his legend precedes him and he has a larger role in the Star Wars expanded universe.

    Bane is the famous Sith who introduced the rule of two, which allows for only one Sith Lord and one apprentice to rule the Gallaxy at any given time.

    So far, the canon hasn't given him time to shine but we still rank him high due to his reputation in Star Wars Legends.

    His willpower and lightsaber skills were destructive for his opponents and he was reportedly able to kill his enemies upon first contact.

  5. Darth Tyrannus

    Darth Tyrannus (most often referred to as Count Dooku) is a former Jedi -- the master of Qui-Gon Jin -- who got tempted and joined the dark side.

    Since Count Dooku became the apprentice of Darth Sidious, he shares many skills with him and Vader.

    These inlcude a strength in the Force, as well as telekninsis and the ability to choke his victims.

    His powers are certainly impressive but other Jedi and Sith are stronger than him.

    Anakin Skywalker in his prime was able to overpower and defeat Dooku before ultimately taking the role of Sidious' apprentice.

  6. Darth Plageuis

    Darth Plageuis is the Sith Lord that trained Palpatine. He has the unique and rare ability to affect midi-chlorians and make them create life.

    Since he trained Darth Sidious, many of their powers and abilities are similar.

    However, Plageuis' power wasn't enought for him to foresee that Sidious, his apprentice, would murder him to take his place as a Sith Master.

  7. Darth Vader

    Even with his horrific burns and mechanical body, which somewhat decrease his strength in the Force, Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker, is the franchise's more iconic Sith Lord.

    His immense strength with the Force is no secret, and using it to choke anyone who opposes him is a signature intimidation tactic of his.

    He can also use telepathy to access information from his victims' minds.

    Moreover, Vader's lightsaber skills are nothing short of terrifying, even with his relatively reduced capacity after his multiple injuries.

    If you thought that his battle against Obi-Wan in A New Hope was somewhat underwhelming, many fans secretly rooted for him in Rogue One due to how incredibly cool his fighting skills were.

  8. Darth Sidious

    Darth Sidious, aka Emperor Palpatine is the main villain in all Star Wars trilogies (controversially, in the case of the sequels) so he's by far the greatest threat in the Galaxy during the timeline we're concerned with.

    Palpatine is strong with the dark side of the Force, possessing powers that remain elusive even to Jedi mastes.

    He's capable of telekinisis as evidenced in his battle with Yoda.

    Moreover, he can use his power to torture his oppoenents causing immense pain, as he did to Luke in Return of the Jedi before Vader stop him.

    The sequels also show his capability of draining one's energy.

    But Darth Sidious' ability to deeply understand his victim's insecurities and use those to deceive them is, perhaps, even scarier.

    Sidious spent the entirety of Clone Wars posing as a benevolent Chancelor while he was the main enemy all along.

    His manipulation and deception along with his terrifying powers makes for a deadly combination.

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