Star Wars: Snoke Actor Andy Serkis Wasn't Aware of Supreme Leader Twist

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

The ever-so-divisive Star Wars sequel trilogy introduced fans to a menacing new villain named Supreme Leader Snoke and since his debut in Episode VII — The Force Awakens, fans were quickly drawn to the mysterious character who has seemingly been pulling Kylo Ren's strings from the moment he was seduced to leave the Jedi path to become his apprentice.

However, just when things were already looking promising for the character, Rian Johnson's follow-up The Last Jedi seemed to have watered down the villain and was eventually written off the franchise following his encounter with Rey and Ren. The Snoke character is easily one of the missed opportunities of the sequels and it can of course be attributed to poor writing and the true lack of direction they had for the villain.

Now, actor Andy Serkis, who brought life to the Supreme Leader is opening up about the character and reveals that he's not aware of the villain's origin and true identity. During his interview with ComicBookMovie, Serkis explains: "It was very much under wraps. Very much under wraps. I had an inkling, but it was not confirmed."

Of course, we all know that in Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker, Snoke was revealed to be orchestrated by a returning Emperor Palpatine, who created the Supreme Leader during his time in Exegol. Following his demise in Episode VIII, fans would get a hint of the Palpatine connection, and needless to say, the "twist" felt anticlimactic to a lot of fans of the franchise.

The sequels' reliance on Darth Sidious proved to be a decision that would eventually backfire and quite frankly, there's really no one to blame but the people behind the project who thought it was a good idea to bring back Palpatine. Sure, it sounded good on paper but I think Snoke was already a formidable villain on his own. It's such a shame, really.

The entire Skywalker saga is available for streaming on Disney+.

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