In case you missed it, Lucasfilm's upcoming Star Wars spinoff series centered on beloved Rogue One character Cassian Andor has reportedly wrapped filming last August. However, as it stands, we still don't know much about the series top-billed by the returning Diego Luna other than the fact that it will take place years prior to the events of the 2016 blockbuster. Of course, considering the show will be set in a different timeline, it would be safe to assume that it won't feature any notable character from the original Star Wars trilogy and even succeeding installments.
However, Disney has reportedly enlisted an interesting actor to become part of the exciting project. According to the good folks over at Making It Star Wars, Andy Serkis will be making his return to a galaxy far, far away as part of the Andor cast. Of course, avid fans of the franchise are aware that Serkis previously starred as Supreme Leader Snoke in the Star Wars prequel trilogy but the real question is, is he actually reprising the villain in Andor? The website's source failed to give the specifics but it would be safe to assume that the Venom director will be playing an entirely different character.
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I mean, it wouldn't make sense for someone like Snoke to exist pre-Skywalker saga especially after we learned about his origin in The Rise of Skywalker. The general belief within the fandom is that Snoke was created by Emperor Palpatine years after the events of Return of the Jedi around most likely during the MandoVerse timeline. However, it's still Star Wars we're talking about and if Lucasfilm wanted to, they could easily come up with a new story arc for the character although I highly doubt that's going to be the case.
Andor is expected to hit Disney+ sometime in 2022.