We all know for a fact that the Star Wars franchise is an ever-evolving universe and despite the Skywalker saga already being established decades ago, Lucasfilm and Disney continue to change everything we thought we knew about it and you'll be surprised at all the revelations we're only finding out now.
Speaking of, Star Wars just released a teaser for their upcoming novel titled Star Wars: Shadows of the Sith written by Adam Christopher which tells us untold stories from the Skywalker saga. In an excerpt released via their official website, fans are given a little preview of what to expect ahead of its official release in June. Turns out, Anakin's death in Return of the Jedi which marked the first time we got to see an unmasked Vader interact with his son wasn't the last time we'll see the two interact.
In the novel which serves as the official prequel to The Force Awakens, there's a sequence where Luke is transported by the Force into the Sith citadel on Exegol. The powerless Jedi Master is then attacked by a group of nine warriors wielding lightsabers and just when things were about to turn perilous for him, out comes the Force of his father Anakin to somehow even the odds.
Also Read: Star Wars Announces The Force Awakens Prequel
Luke and Anakin's heartfelt interaction in Return of the Jedi was truly memorable but it would be amazing to see their Shadows of the Sith reunion take place in live-action. We don't know for sure if that will ever happen but a man can dream, can't he?
Star Wars: Shadows of the Sith is scheduled to hit shelves on June 28, 2022.