Star Wars Resistance Takes Place Six Months Before The Force Awakens

With Star Wars Rebels taking place a few years before Star Wars: A New Hope, Lucasfilm had planned for Star Wars Resistance to be a prequel to The Force Awakens. We know that some characters from the films will be making an appearance in the show, and now we also have confirmation that Resistance takes place only a few months before TFA.

This was confirmed by a leak spotted on Check it out:

With that in mind, it's curious what kind of stories they have in store for Resistance. Rebels and Clone Wars had a lot of time for their characters to grow, but in a six-month timeline, we could be looking at a show that overlaps the timeline with the films.

I'll admit, I was expecting more of a Legend of Korra or Voltron animation with Star Wars Resistance, but was ultimately disappointed with the reveal. Then again, I'm sure that a lot of Star Wars first-timers will come to love the show eventually. Besides, everyone's first reactions to Rebels weren't so great, and it ended being one of the most beloved stories in the fandom.

Catch Star Wars Resistance on Disney Channel when it comes out Oct. 7.

See Also: Star Wars Resistance Will Feature Leia Organa Alongside Poe Dameron And BB-8