Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker just got released in home video, and more fans are finding out Easter Eggs now they can get a closer look at the film. What's interesting is, there's actually a musical callback to Padme Amidala in the movie.
Check it out:
In the scene where Rey and Ben come together and Palpatine is sucking the life out of them, we have a musical cue that's a more reversed version of a Padme and Anakin theme from Attack of the Clones. We don't really know what John Williams' intent was when he put this in, but I guess it could have something to do with ‘couples' or maybe something dark and foreboding in a scene between lovers.
Some think that it's meant to represent Padme and Anakin reborn in Rey and Ben, so I guess that's a fun thought.
Personally, I was not a fan of how Rey and Ben got together. I mean, they both tried to murder each other earlier in the film. While a reconciliation is realistic, a lot of people agree that the kiss was not something earned. I mean, this movie was full of fanservice, but that was probably the big cherry on top.
Expect more Easter Eggs to be spotted now that fans have a closer look at TROS. With all this time in isolation, I guess there's nothing really better to do than pore over films.
When it's discovered that the evil Emperor Palpatine did not die at the hands of Darth Vader, the rebels must race against the clock to find out his whereabouts. Finn and Poe lead the Resistance to put a stop to the First Order's plans to form a new Empire, while Rey anticipates her inevitable confrontation with Kylo Ren.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is now available on digital.
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