Star Wars: Only One Person Knows Episode IX's Title

We're halfway through the second month of 2019 and everyone still wants to know what the title of Star Wars: Episode IX will be. There have been a few "leaks" out there but until it's revealed, we will have to look at all of these "reveals" with a grain of salt until Lucasfilm and Disney make the announcement. To make matters weirder, there are people in production who don't know what the movie will be called; except for one person at least.

According to Dominic Monaghan, a Lost actor who will have a secret role in the movie, only J.J. Abrams knows what the next film will be called, which was revealed on the actor's Instagram stories. This is an interesting bit of trivia but isn't too surprising since the Force Awakens director is also a producer of the series now, so it makes sense that he would know.

Still, the fact that he would be the only one who knows is a little suspect. Disney is pretty paranoid about any and all spoilers about this movie, or any of their films to be honest. They even had The Russo Brothers say the next Avengers film wasn't called Endgame, even though it was.

In the end, the title won't matter much since most of us just want Star Wars: Episode IX to be a good movie. The Last Jedi got a mixed reception from fans, even though most critics thought it was pretty good. This has caused a division between Star Wars fans that are still being felt to this day.

Star Wars: Episode IX comes out on December 20.

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