Disney's Star Wars sequel trilogy was home to several questionable moments but nothing is more controversial and divisive than Rey referring to herself as a Skywalker during the closing moments of The Rise of Skywalker. The move received a ton of backlash from the fandom who couldn't accept the fact Rey was seemingly shoehorned into the lineage despite her lack of personal connection with the legendary Jedi family.
After Episode IX came out, there were rumblings all over the internet that Lucasfilm will quietly be dropping the Rey Skywalker moniker in an attempt to make good with fans. Even the tie-in merch for the 2019 film didn't feature a single reference about Rey's "new" identity which led many to believe that Disney is changing its future plans for the character.
However, that doesn't seem to be the case as Star Wars just announced a brand new merch that has the name "Rey Skywalker" printed on its packaging. Hasbro revealed during a live stream that they're releasing a Force FX lightsaber of Rey's yellow-bladed weapon and while some fans are thrilled that we're finally getting it in toy form, others are completely pressed about it being referred to as Rey Skywalker's.
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Personally, I would have loved for Rey to keep her "Palpatine" surname simply because it would've told a more interesting story. I mean, she could've easily redeemed the Palpatine name but I guess calling her a Skywalker was far more convenient for J.J. Abrams and the folks over at Lucasfilm. Sadly, that one backfired and it doesn't seem like fans are ready to come to terms with it anytime soon.
Meanwhile, the entire Skywalker saga is available for streaming on Disney+.