Star Wars has had a long history of merch, and admittedly there are a lot of silly toys that have come to the market. With the magic of photoshop though, someone managed to think up this silly Star Wars LEGO set, and Mark Hamill has noticed.
Hamill just shared this on his Twitter:
Of course, fans went on to reply that there are actually a lot worse imaginary toys out there. Just check a couple of these out:
But none of those compare to this actual piece of Star Wars merch which lets kids literally make out with Jar Jar Binks:
For now though, it looks like the merch train is still chugging for Star Wars, and I'm hoping we get a look at some Episode IX figures once Star Wars Celebration hits. I'm not going to promise there won't be more silly merch out coming in the future, but I do hope that we get more of the creative stuff down the line. I mean, print the characters and logos and backpacks and shirts, but that candy Jar Jar was actually a fun piece of merchandising. I mean, it's not perfect, but the heart is there.
Star Wars Celebration is set to take place this weekend, and we should be expecting a lot of huge reveals, not just with Episode IX, but with The Mandalorian and Fallen Order as well. Fingers crossed EA announces some EPIX stuff for Battlefront II.
Star Wars Episode IX comes out in theaters Dec. 20.
See Also: Mark Hamill: Luke's Bespin Outfit Debuted on the Muppets, Not Empire Strikes Back