Star Wars: Mark Hamill Shares Hilarious Story Behind Empire Strikes Back Photoshoot

Star Wars fans know they can rely on Mark Hamill to share some interesting stories about working on the original trilogy and sometimes even the sequel trilogy. Not surprisingly, the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker actor has just revealed some surprising information about his unusual look in a photoshoot for The Empire Strikes Back.

A fan reached out to Hamill on Twitter asking about his strange outfit in a couple of photos taken while he was working on Episode V. The Dark Crystal star immediately responded with a hilarious story. Check it out below.

"That was the t-shirt I wore under my #EmpireStrikesBack uniform. It was strategically torn to match the damaged jacket so you would see skin & not the t-shirt. These pictures were suppressed for years because George [Lucas] said: 'There's no underwear in space.' Seriously," Hamill wrote before adding the hashtag #TrueStory.

Sure, it makes sense if you're thinking that it's more dramatic to expose skin rather than a shirt since it means that Luke Skywalker was seriously injured. On the other hand, it did result in an odd-looking shirt. Either way, we're glad that Hamill has once again blessed us with a hilarious Star Wars story.

But what role with Luke play in Episode IX? Luckily, we'll find out soon enough. Hamill is set to return as the Jedi Master in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, which hits theaters on December 20.

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