Star Wars: Mark Hamill Comments on Sebastian Stan Being Cast as Luke Skywalker

Fans can't think of a better young Luke Skywalker other than Sebastian Stan. But does Mark Hamill agree with the idea of the Falcon and The Winter Soldier star taking over his iconic role? Hamill shared his thoughts on Stan's possible casting in a Star Wars project.

Stan had previously commented on the possibility of playing a young Luke. Interestingly, the Marvel Cinematic Universe star pointed out that he wanted Hamill's blessing before he would consider the role.

So what does Hamill have to say about that? The Star Wars icon recently retweeted a report about Stan's comments and revealed that although he might like the idea, he isn't exactly in charge of casting. Check it out below.

It's interesting to note that Hamill didn't say anything about not wanting Stan to play Luke. Let's just hope that Disney and Lucasfilm agree with the idea since Stan would be an excellent addition to the Star Wars Universe.

Fans have long pointed out that Stan has a striking resemblance to Hamill. This has led to people claiming that Stan should be cast as young Luke Skywalker in a new Star Wars project or even in The Mandalorian Season 3. After all, the second season of the series already featured Luke taking Baby Yoda to continue his Jedi training.

For now, we're not even sure if Luke will appear in The Mandalorian Season 3. However, it would be awesome if Stan takes over the role in the series.

Do you think Sebastian Stan should play young Luke Skywalker? Sound off in the comments below.

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