Star Wars: Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy Receiving Honorary Oscar

Kathleen Kennedy has been a bit of a controversial figure lately, at least to us nerds. The head of Lucasfilm has been responsible for the recent surge of Star Wars movies for better or worse, with The Last Jedi dividing the fan base to an extreme and extent. They have also made a ton of money for Disney and Lucasfilm, making US$4 Billion, so she seems to have done her job well.

However you feel about her, Kennedy has left an impact on the entertainment industry and will be getting an honorary Oscar later this year.

Called the Irving G. Thalbard award, Kennedy will be receiving it along with husband Frank Marshall. The award is presented to those "whose body of work reflects a consistently high quality of motion picture production," so it makes sense for Kennedy to have it despite what her critics might think.

It's also worth noting that Kennedy is the first woman to receive the award so she makes history once again. Even before Star Wars, Kennedy helped produce classics like The Sixth Sense, Munich, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The woman does have a Hollywood legacy outside of Star Wars and she definitely deserves the award.

Star Wars: Episode IX comes out on December 20, 2019. Kennedy will help Rian Johnson with his upcoming Star Wars trilogy.

Via Deadline

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