Star Wars Legend Mark Hamill Reveals His Pitch For Luke In The Force Awakens

There was a whole lot of anticipation after Disney announced that it was making a sequel trilogy for the Star Wars franchise set after the events of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. However, while fans were eager to see Luke Skywalker return to the big screen, Mark Hamill had very limited screen time in the movie.

Not only was Hamill was disappointed by the short screen time that he had in Episode VII, he was also largely disappointed by the fact that Luke, Leia (the late Carrie Fisher), and Han (Harrison Ford) never got a chance to reunite in the film. Hamill tried to change that by pitching a different direction for The Force Awakens.

Speaking in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Hamill discusses the disappointment fans felt after seeing Han die before he could even see his best friend.

"Everyone talks about the shock of realizing that, on Force Awakens, I don't come in until the last page, a bigger shock to me was them killing Han Solo before Luke could ever see his best friend again," Hamill said, opening up with the entertainment news outlet, "I mean, it might be selfishly motivated, but I said, 'Holy cow, that's a real missed opportunity.' Even having the three of us together, even briefly. I pitched Abrams on the idea of, 'You can still have me come in at the very end, but how about this. How about Leia's trying to contact me telepathically, she gets frustrated because there are no answers, so she rushes to the new Death Star'--that's three, so far."

Hamill goes on with his pitch, explaining how he and Leia meet in The Force Awakens.

"'And she almost gets there but she gets stopped by two Stormtroopers and, just before she's abducted, one Stormtrooper turns to the other one, blows him away, pulls off his helmet and says "Hi, sis, I'm here to rescue you."' I say, 'It'll blow the roof off the joint, I'm still in it at the very end,'" Hamill continues.

The Star Wars legend has always been a passionate fan of the franchise, and while his ideas for The Force Awakens are valid, we doubt that fans would appreciate an absent Luke Skywalker to suddenly reappear in the film just as a nod to A New Hope.

What do you think of Hamill's pitch? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Star Wars: Episode IX premieres December 20, 2019.

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