Star Wars’ John Boyega Says Filming On Episode IX Is Almost Complete

Yesterday, Star Wars legend Anthony Daniels announced his last day of filming on Star Wars: Episode IX, telling fans that the film would mean the last appearance of the chatty communication's droid, C-3PO. Now, John Boyega says that he is following suit, saying that his work on Episode IX is coming to an end soon enough.

The Star Wars sequel trilogy actor was just recently asked a couple of questions by a fan. Not only did the Star Wars fan ask how much filming in London did Episode IX have left, but he also asked which of the three sequel trilogy installments had been the most fun to work on.

According to Boyega, he and the rest of the team just need a little more to go to complete work on Episode IX and that the third and final installment in the sequel trilogy had been the most fun to work on.

Check out the tweet down here:

Boyega's response to the question asking which Star Wars film he had the most fun on might come as a surprise to some. Star Wars fans know that work on Episode IX has been pretty intense with reports saying that director J.J. Abrams has turned the sequel trilogy installment into one of the biggest Star Wars productions in history.

Boyega also posted a photo of his dirty and bloody hand after a day of filming on the movie last week, proving just how intense work on Episode IX has been.

Still, it's good to know that the Star Wars team's been putting a whole lot of effort into Episode IX. The sequel trilogy really is going to go out with a bang.

Star Wars: Episode IX is set to premiere December 20, 2019.

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