While a lot of people argue over "Reylo" in the Star Wars fandom, there are some people who like the thought of Finn and Poe being a couple. Oscar Isaac famously teases fans about a romance between the two, and John Boyega also seems to be in on the joke.
Here's his reply to a post teasing that Finn and Poe were holding hands behind Rey in a promo image:
Admittedly, having Finn and Poe be gay would be a very big step for Lucasfilm, and it could be the right direction to go, seeing as this is the end of the Sequel Trilogy and the story of both characters. They're hardly the first LGBT characters though, as we already have the likes of Doctor Aphra and hints at Admiral Holdo also being a lesbian. Lando Calrissian has also been confirmed as pansexual. I guess what we haven't had yet is to have an openly gay couple in a live-action film.
With The Last Jedi already pissing a good chunk of the fandom off, I would actually like to see how everyone would explode if Disney allows Finn and Poe to be an official couple. If they do decide to put that in The Rise of Skywalker though, I would prefer the movie to be more subtle about it, rather than lean into the statement too heavily; something closer to Steven Universe rather than Netflix's She-Ra. Boy, would a lot of fans were pissed.
Catch Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker when it hits theaters Dec. 20.
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