Respawn Entertainment and EA games just dropped the first teaser trailer for Star Wars Jedi: The Fallen Order at the 2019 Star Wars Celebration in Chicago today, and fans couldn't be more excited. Not only does EA promise a game without microtransactions but the trailer for The Fallen Order teases a gritty and thrilling story centered around Cal Kestis, a padawan who managed to survive the massacre brought about Order 66.
While it is no surprise to see Cal holding a lightsaber at the very end of the teaser for The Fallen Order, game director Stig Asmussen hints that there's a lot more to the weapon than fans expect. According to Asmussen, gamers are going to see the lightsaber evolve throughout the course of The Fallen Order.
During the panel for the game, Respawn Entertainment was asked about Cal's lightsaber seeing that it had a lot of the spotlight in the first game teaser (via
"How do you know that's Cal's lightsaber?" Asmussen shot back.
Fans' curiosity piqued, with many later on noting on social media sites like Twitter that the lightsaber Cal had been holding on the trailer actually looked a bit weathered – an indication that it could have belonged to someone else before.
Speaking with the crowd, Asmussen reveals that as much as he would love to go on talking about Cal's lightsaber, there are a lot of spoilers revolving around the new weapon.
"It's so intimately tied to the story," he said. "It's just full of spoilers. What I will say is that over the course of the game, it will grow and evolve. In many respects, it's kind of a reflection of Cal."
We can't wait to see how exactly the saber will grow and evolve in The Fallen Order.
Star War Jedi: The Fallen Order launches on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 on November 15.
Read: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Won't Have Microtransactions