Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order: There are Now 2 Joker Actors in the Star Wars Universe

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has just gotten a new trailer from Star Wars Celebration, and it's been revealed that Cameron Monaghan is playing the lead role of Cal Kestis. If you think he's familiar, you may recognize him as the guy who plays the Joker from the Gotham series.

Here's his official announcement about being part of Star Wars:

And here's the official Star Wars account welcoming him into the Lucasfilm family:

It's very interesting that the game should pick Monaghan to play the lead character seeing as he's gotten a lot of attention for playing the Joker on Gotham. If you're not familiar who else famously played the Joker and worked on Star Wars, may I introduce you to Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamill:

Though Battlefront II is a great game on its own (yeah, I said it), the shooter genre is admittedly not for everyone. It's great that EA is trying to expand on their Star Wars portfolio now, and I'm sure game director Stig Asmussen has some amazing visuals planned for the game, seeing as he's the same guy who helmed God of War 3.

Here's the official description of the game:

Cal Kestis—one of the last surviving members of the Jedi Order after the purge of Order 66—is now a Padawan on the run. Experience this all-new single-player Star Wars™ story from Respawn Entertainment and EA Star Wars on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC this holiday season, 15 November 2019.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is an action-adventure game set after Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith™. Develop your Force abilities, hone your lightsaber techniques, and explore the ancient mysteries of a long-lost civilization—all while staying one step ahead of the Empire and its deadly Inquisitors.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order comes out Nov. 15 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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