Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is coming out later this year and will be appearing in Microsoft's big Xbox One conference for E3. To get fans hyped up for the big event and the game, ReSpawn has decided to unveil the game's box art and it looks pretty cool. Admittedly, it's far from the most eye-catching box art ever made but it does mirror a Star Wars movie poster, which is ideal.
Aside from the lead character and some foes that players will be able to slice through in the main game, there are also some new characters we haven't met yet. Admittedly, they haven't been given names yet but it will be interesting to see what kind of roles they are given in this single-player video game.
Thus far, we've only been given a cinematic trailer and now some official box art, which does look pretty good. It seems more than likely that we will see the game in action during E3 and that should give players a better impression on the title. Hopefully, it looks promising and gets fans to pick it up, especially with the promise of no DLC and microtransactions.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order comes out on November 15. It will be coming out on PS4 and Xbox One.
Read:Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order Will Be Featured in Xbox One E3 Conference