During the second season of The Mandalorian, we witnessed the live-action debut of Ahsoka Tano and Bo-Katan Kryze, who were both first introduced in the animated shows. As teased in the series and in several announcements by Lucasfilm, we could expect more animated characters who might be making their transition to live-action soon.
One of the characters that fans would love to see in live-action form is the Grand Inquisitor, voiced by Jason Isaacs. Even though the character died in Star Wars: Rebels, there is still a way to bring back the character in live-action through a flashback sequence or as a Force Ghost of some sort.
During an interview with Slash Film, Isaacs was asked about the possibility of him coming back to play the character in live-action. However, he shut down the idea and joked about all the secrecy that he has to do. He said, "I can't even acknowledge the existence of Lucasfilm as a real entity. I've signed so many NDAs. Even having this conversation with you now I have to come round and cut your tongue out while you're sleeping. I apologize."
The actor certainly responded in a hilarious way, but it is worth noting that, if ever such things are true, he really needs to keep mum about it and he can't reveal about his possible return in the franchise if it is actually happening. There is no doubt that fans would love to see him play the character in live-action form and it would be a great surprise if we'll get a glimpse of him in the future.
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Isaacs has been involved in multiple franchises so it is understandable why he joked about signing a lot of NDAs. After all, he was Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films, Gabriel Lorca in Star Trek: Discovery, and did various voice roles in DC animated films. We can all agree that he was great as the voice of the Grand Inquisitor and seeing him as the character in live-action would be a delightful idea.