Star Wars: George Lucas Reportedly Unhappy With How the Sequel Trilogy Turned Out

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

It's been close to four years since the sequel trilogy concluded but it still remains one of the most discussed, if not the most debated aspect of Disney's Star Wars.

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Credit: Lucasfilm

Starting off on a promising note with Episode VII, there was hope that the Skywalker Saga will be able to finish strong but sadly, poor creative decisions were made and the House of Mouse ultimately just couldn't stick the landing.

Episodes VIII and IX, while generating massive profits for the company were a colossal failure amongst fans and critics, especially those who have followed the franchise since the beginning.

Well, even the franchise's creator George Lucas seems to echo the fandom's sentiments regarding The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker.

Popular YouTuber Star Wars Theory claims as per his sources that Lucas isn't happy with how the sequels turned out. Here's what he had to say: "I know people who know [George Lucas] and they say he’s not too happy with the stuff that been — kind of like the sequel trilogy stuff."

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Say what you will about the sequel trilogy but to be fair, it still had its redeeming qualities. Hopefully, Lucasfilm's next film will be able to right the wrongs committed by its predecessors.

At the end of the day, it all goes down to the writers coming up with a compelling and less-convoluted narrative. The overreliance on nostalgia must also be reassessed because the next story must revolve around establishing new characters fans can actually get behind.

Meanwhile, all of your Star Wars favorites — from movies to series are available to stream on Disney+.