Star Wars' sequel trilogy introduced longtime fans to a new villain named Supreme Leader Snoke but apparently, for the amount of potential the character possessed, he wasn't meant to stay long in the franchise as he got killed off by his "protege" Kylo Ren as early as Episode VIII. We all know by now that The Rise of Skywalker revealed that Snoke was actually created by Emperor Palpatine although his reason for doing so remains unclear, but not anymore.
The Star Wars Book gives some clarity regarding Snoke's interesting but oftentimes confusing backstory. According to the said book (via ScreenRant), Snoke was more than just a channel for Sidious' spirit and he may have had the free will of his own spirit and "presumably a false history implanted within his memories."
The book also sheds some light as to why Palpatine resorted to the creation of the Supreme Leader. According to the said book, Sidious created Snoke as a vessel to turn Kylo Ren to the dark side for his spirit was still trapped in Exegol: "The processes are far from protected, and Darth Sidious' cloned body rapidly deteriorates, trapping [Palpatine] on Exegol as his frail form is unable to leave. In the confines of his recuperative sanctuary, he plots the next phase of ultimate Sith vengeance and the final defeat of the Jedi."
The revelation that Snoke was nothing more than a mere Palpatine proxy was a bit of a letdown, considering the character had loads of potential to be as great of a villain as Darth Sidious, if not better but it is what it is. And of course, the plan all along was for Palpatine to return at some point so I guess it wouldn't make sense to see two baddies sharing the screen together. I gotta say though, as much as I liked Palpatine's inclusion in Episode IX, I wish they wrote Snoke a little better and turned him into something else. I don't know, maybe an actual threat to Rey and the other characters? It's a complete shame.
In other Star Wars news, The Mandalorian Season 2 is set to premiere this October 30 on Disney+.
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