Star Wars Fans React To Episode IX Not Getting A TV Spot During Super Bowl 2019

There's a lot of things that people were hoping to see during Super Bowl LIII other than a game between the Los Angeles Rams and the New England Patriots. However, the Patriots have finally won the game but there's still no Star Wars:Episode IX trailer. Needless to say, people weren't happy about not getting even just a short teaser.

Fans were certainly hoping for the Episode IX trailer to debut during Super Bowl 2019. Some even tuned in to the game just to get a first look at the highly anticipated footage.

As the game continued, people were beginning to worry about the Episode IX trailer. Sure, most were happy about the new Avengers: Endgame trailer as well as the Captain Marvel teaser. Some even decided that they could forgive Pepsi for not airing Spongebob Squarepants performing Sweet Victory during the halftime show. They were still hoping for a Star Wars trailer.

Some believed that they got the closest thing to an Episode IX trailer when Star Wars actors Harrison Ford and Forest Whitaker showed up in the Amazon commercial. Unfortunately, we're simply not getting any new footage from the film tonight.

So when exactly will we get to see the Episode IX trailer? There are speculations that the big reveal will take place during Star Wars Celebration in April. Unfortunately, it's going to be a long, excruciating wait for the title reveal and trailer.

Star Wars: Episode IX is still scheduled for release on December 20.

Related: Star Wars Fans Get Harrison Ford Commercial, But It's Not What Fans Expected