Star Wars: Ewan McGregor on People Changing Their Minds About the Prequels

Some people might be hating on Star Wars: The Last Jedi but even most fans can admit that the film is still a lot better than the infamous prequels. The Phantom Menace is a pretty horrible film and The Clone Wars had some of the worst romance ever seen on cinema, so it's a miracle that Revenge of The Sith managed to be pretty good. If there is one consistently good thing about the film, it's that Ewan McGregor was a good Obi-Wan Kenobi.

McGregor recently had a chat with Vanity Fair about the Star Wars prequels and he had some interesting things to say about them. The Birds of Prey actor admitted that he wasn't a huge fan of the reliance on green screen with these films but has recently felt vindicated about them now that younger viewers have been enjoying these movies.

"Episode III was all green screen: they had us on green disks on a green floor with a green background, and a guy on the floor rotating us like chickens, as we lunged at each other with lightsabers. What keeps you emotionally grounded is the other actor. Episode II, I was on my own, speaking to thin air. But this scene was harrowing for Obi-Wan. I lose Anakin, and we see the danger of what it might lead to in Episodes IV, V, and VI. For all my moaning about green screen, I did enjoy playing Obi-Wan and this link to Alec Guinness. George Lucas wanted to do something very different with the prequels. That's why people felt cheated. It was upsetting when people would laugh and joke about it. Now, many years later, the prequels meant a lot to the generation that were kids then. So from smirking, cynical opinions, now I'm getting feedback from the kids they were made for. I'm really happy about that."

Considering all of the hate these films get, some warranted while others not at all, it is good seeing McGregor come to terms with the prequel trilogy and actually enjoy the fact that he made them. Most people carry the regret they made with bad movies for a long time so McGregor actually accepting the films for what they are is nice to see.

Star Wars: Episode IX comes out this December.

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