The current Star Wars trilogy may have established a new tradition of placing A-list actors in secret roles. After all, Star Wars: The Force Awakens famously had James Bond star Daniel Craig as the Stormtrooper who released Rey. Not surprisingly, another celebrity is expected to play one of the First Order soldiers in Star Wars: Episode IX.
According to The Sun, Jamie Oliver has been spotted on the set of Episode IX at Pinewoods Studios. The popular English chef was reportedly seen training alongside other Stormtroopers. Needless to say, it looks like the self-confessed Star Wars fan is getting exactly what he wants.
It's no secret that Oliver is a huge fan of the franchise and isn't shy about wearing the Stormtrooper. After all, he famously walked his two teenage daughters to school while wearing his own version of the armor. We're certainly looking forward to seeing Oliver in Episode IX next year.
There have been a few famous Stormtroopers in the past. In addition to Craig in The Force Awakens, Venom actor Tom Hardy also had a small part in Star Wars: The Last Jedi that was reportedly cut out. Prince William and Prince Harry also played Stormtroopers in the Rian Johnson film.
Although there are famous Stormtroopers, some of these soldiers simply got famous for somehow doing their job. It was previously reported that Episode IX star John Boyega was "arrested" by a group of Stormtroopers at Disneyland Paris. However, the actor was eventually released by the soldiers who chose to remain in character.
Star Wars: Episode IX is scheduled for release on December 20, 2019.
Related: John Boyega Gets 'Arrested' By Stormtroopers At Disney