Star Wars: Episode IX’s Richard E. Grant On His Mysterious Role In The Movie

The entire world might be looking forward to more information about Star Wars: Episode IX, but Star Wars newbie Richard E. Grant isn't going to give in that easily, not even if those asking about his role would be part of his family.

Grant just recently spoke with Graham Norton on The Graham Norton Show (via Express), and during his interview with the show, the actor was asked about whether or not he'd told his family about the role that he's set to play in the third and final film in Lucasfilm's sequel trilogy. While the actor isn't afraid to admit that he's going to be part of Episode IX, Grant is careful not to give away any names.

"Yes, I am in the last Star Wars. I have no idea [if I'll be recognizable] because I've not even been allowed to tell my family what the name of my character is," Grant shared on The Graham Norton Show. "If I told you I would get fired. We're not even allowed to take the script home. There is a lot of security."

Could Norton be playing a major character in Episode IX? From the way Grant describes it, it seems like the actor just might be playing a familiar character in The Last Jedi's sequel.

There aren't that many guesses who Grant might be playing in Episode IX, but the most popular fan theory suggests that the actor might very well be playing Thrawn, a Chiss alien who rises through the ranks in the Empire, eventually becoming an Admiral. A Star Wars legend character, Thrawn soon finds his way to cannon after he makes it into Star Wars cartoon series, Star Wars Rebels.

Star Wars: Episode IX is set to premiere December 20, 2019.

Read: RUMOR: Star Wars Episode IX Production Nearing End, Movie had ‘A Lot' of Reshoots