Star Wars Episode IX: Possible New Details on the Sith Trooper

Yesterday gave us our first look at the red ‘Sith Troopers' in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but so far we don't have any official details on what they do, and how they serve the plot. What's interesting though, is we may have some possible idea on what their relevance is to the First Order.

According to Making Star Wars, it's likely that these troopers answer directly to the Knights of Ren. As per the site's source:

One of the more concrete elements I had heard about the troopers is that they only answer to Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren in the film and that this has some plot significance.I don't know the significance yet. But I'm guessing General Hux is going to be sending these guys to Burger King unless Kylo and the knights give the order.

It's kind of weird that these troopers would answer to Kylo, seeing that he did say that he would want the Sith to die in The Last Jedi (along with the Jedi and a bunch of other stuff). I'm guessing either Abrams forgot that detail or Kylo had a change of heart; after all, why would he be repairing the helmet he destroyed in the last film?

Of course, it's possible that these rumors would be untrue. I kind of like the idea that they're a secret faction of clones that work for Palpatine, but then again, I'm thinking his return is kind of a red herring; nothing more than a cameo.

Until we get some more official material, all we can really do is speculate. For now, we wait for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker to hit theaters Dec. 20.

See Also: Star Wars: Of Course the New Sith Stormtrooper is Getting a Funko Pop