Star Wars: Episode IX Leaked Scene Description Ties Rey Together With Anakin And Darth Plagueis

Lucasfilm might have been trying its best to keep Star Wars: Episode IX spoilers from making its way to the public before the film premieres next year, however, with the film still in production, leaked scene descriptions continue making the rounds online. This includes what seems to be a possible scene that might link Rey to Anakin, Luke, and the Skywalker saga.

Last year, Star Wars: The Last Jedi revealed that Rey's (Daisy Ridley) parents weren't anybody worth mentioning and while some fans loved this subversion of expectations, others weren't disappointed she didn't have anything to do with Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). The Star Wars saga always played on the concept of The Chosen One – instead The Last Jedi decided to kick things up a notch by teaching viewers that anyone could become a Jedi.

Despite this welcoming lesson that teaches children that anyone can be a hero, not just the chosen one, fans are still hoping for things to change in Episode IX.

Now, according to a new report by Express, a new leaked scene in the film brings together Rey, Luke, and one of the biggest bads in the Star Wars franchise.

"One of the descriptions goes over Rey inside a stone hut, very similar to the one on Ahch-To. She wears black attire and is kneeling, going through what appears to be the belongings of Luke Skywalker. One of which is a thick brown journal described as 'The Science of Creating Life,'" the description for the scene reads.

"Another image has Rey's hand resting on a page which reads 'The Philosophy of Life,'" the leak continues. "Another page reads 'Transcending Death.' Rey shuts the journal and takes it with her."

Those familiar with Star Wars lore know that this is a call to Darth Plagueis, the origins of Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars legends. With the book of "The Science of Creating Life" in Rey's hands, one has to wonder whether or not Rey is actually searching for her true history with the Skywalkers.

After all, Episode IX could always retcon the Jakku orphan girl's origin.

While this new report definitely sounds exciting, we warn fans to take this report with a grain of salt. Leaks and rumors remain as such until Lucasfilm gives its confirmation. You can't trust everything you find online. So let's just cross our fingers and wait and see.

Star Wars: Episode IX makes its way to cinemas December 20, 2019.

Read: Star Wars' Oscar Isaac Says Episode IX Is Looser Compared To TLJ And TFA