Star Wars Episode IX: JJ Abrams Shares Photo from the First Day of Production

Star Wars Episode IX has just finished its first day of shooting, and director JJ Abrams gives us a peek into the set. This first photo has us looking at the cockpit of the Falcon, and it looks like we have Finn, Rey, and Chewbacca together.

Probably the one we have a clearest look of is Finn, and it seems that he's finally found something to wear other than Poe Dameron's old jacket. If I were to guess, that's Han Solo's old vest from when we meet him in Corellia. Then again, not everything has to be a legacy object, so it could just be a random vest.

Chewie looks like he's going to be the same, but what everyone wants to know is what Rey will end up wearing. With the significant time jump, I think we'll finally see Rey in some actual clothing as compared to her scavenger garb that she wore for the past two movies.

Though a lot of people take issue with The Last Jedi, I absolutely love how Rian Johnson was able to give Abrams a clean slate when it came to telling the story of the final chapter. With everyone so familiar with the Star Wars formula, we now have no idea what's coming with this ending. Hopefully it will be like The Last Jedi, full of surprises but with several nods to the original.

Star Wars Episode IX comes out Dec. 20, 2019.

See Also: John Boyega is Looking Buffed Up for Star Wars Episode IX