Following its last-minute delay back in May, Star Wars Episode 1: Racer has finally arrived on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4!
Accompanying the game's launch is a new trailer, showcasing the thrilling Podracer sequence adapted from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Originally released on N64 and PC, serving as a tie-in to the film, the game is being spruced up and re-released for modern consoles, giving a better pod race experience. Along with an HD touch up, the game is also given a multiplayer feature.
The game's cost depends on the platform it'll be played on. Star Wars Episode 1: Racer is available for $15 on the Nintendo eShop, while the PS4 version currently costs $22.95. The racing game allows Star Wars fans to experience the thrill of Podracing, participating in competitions on unique tracks and worlds, accompanied by an epic soundtrack from the movie itself. You can check out the trailer above!
"It's a great game and it has emotional resonance," producer James Vicari told back in April. The team believes in "reuniting fans with something they cherished," as well as being able to connect a "new audience" with a part of the universe that they may have missed.
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