Star Wars Episode 1: Racer is Coming to Modern Consoles Next Month

While fans have mixed opinions on The Phantom Menace, a lot of people can agree that Star Wars Episode I: Racer was an awesome N64 game and is arguably the best part of that film. Scratch that, it was the best part of The Phantom Menace, aside from Darth Maul, who has managed to become one of the best villains in this franchise and it's sad how none of his best stuff is in the movies.

Anyway, rant over, praise begins. Star Wars Episode I: Racer will be coming to the PS4 and Nintendo Switch next month, on May 12. This is very good news and is in-line with some of the previous Star Wars re-releases for the PS4 and Switch. It's a bummer that the game will not be on Xbox One but some things just can't be helped.

But why is Racer getting all of this love? Well, according to James Vicari, the producer of Aspyr, the developers who are bringing this N64 classic to modern consoles, good games should not be forgotten. That is the truth and I wish he worked for Capcom so we can get Viewtiful Joe on modern consoles too. It's such a Viewtiful game, you guys.

Honestly, because good games should never be forgotten and great games deserve to be revisited as much as possible. I think Racer, like Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast before it, has two crucial qualities: it's a great game and it has emotional resonance. Those are very important to us. We really believe in reuniting fans with something they cherished, or connecting a new audience with something they may have missed.

Simply put, this is very good news and I can't wait to see what other Star Wars games end up being on other platforms. Bounty Hunter and Jedi Starfighter are already on PS4 as PS2 Classics but most of us really want to see Knights of the Old Republic on modern consoles. If they can port it to mobile devices, they can bring it to Nintendo Switch.

Star Wars Episode I: Racer is coming to PS4 and Switch on May 12.


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